New Bachelor recap podcast – ‘Friendship Rose with Rose Callaghan’!

I’ve recently launched a brand new podcast called ‘Friendship Rose’ which is available at all good podcast locations! Each episode I have a different guest and we chat about what has just happened in the latest episode of the Bachelor! Episodes are released the night of the ep so you don’t have to wait to get that steaming hot fresh content!!
Exclusive behind the scenes goss from the set of The Bachelor!!
omg you’re not gonna believe this!
Under new management (me)
Hey guys, sorry this website sucks so much and i never update it. This wordpress template isn’t responsive (technical term in the digital sphere) which is why it’s annoying to look at and some of the images are smooshed (another technical term). It’s funny that i know this but i still haven’t fixed it. ANYWAY […]
“Will You Accept This Rose?” Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2017 – Now on sale!
This post has been hacked several times by some dudes in Palestine but I have updated wordpress now so FINGERS CROSSED!! My new solo show “Will You Accept This Rose?” is on sale and runs from the 30th of March to the 9th of April at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Yes it is Bachelor […]
Thanks Sydney <3
After performing in Perth and Melbourne, i finished up the run of my first solo show at the Sydney Fringe with 2 shows at the Factory Theatre. I had a sick time and had packed shows including a sold out 2nd show!! woo. Also i won the award for “Best Comedy” at Sydney Fringe, which […]
Hosting About Tonight on Channel 31 – all the videos
During the comedy festival this year I was lucky enough to host an episode of Channel 31’s About Tonight, a freeform tonight show where each episode a different comedian gets to do whatever the heck they want for an hour. My guests were: the mysterious musical sensation “Yolanda”, Bart Freebairn, Libbi Gorr and American comedian […]
‘Attention Deficit…Ooh a Pony!’ Comedy Festival 2016 Reviews
Had some very nice things said about my first solo show at Melbourne International Comedy Festival, Perth Fringe World and Sydney Fringe! Note: this show was called Attention Deficit…Ooh a Pony! at Perth Fringe World, then I changed the name to Rose Before Hoes in Melbourne then back to the first name in Sydney. “Our […]
Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2016 – ‘Rose Before Hoes’
My first solo show is happening at the comedy festival! It’s on from April 5-17 at The Forum – get your tickets here! I’ve been a busy bee this week! I’ve done an interview on RRR, two different appearances on triplej, hosted my own Channel 31 TV show with Jen Kirkman and did some spots […]
My first solo show: Attention Deficit… Ooh a Pony! Perth Fringeworld
I’m performing my first solo show in Perth in a couple of weeks and I’m very excited. the show for the Melbourne International Comedy Festival is the same show because I got bored of it. Did i mention i have ADHD? in Melbourne it is called “Rose Before Hoes”, tickets here. ~SHOW DEETS~ Dates: February […]
Guest Appearance on ABC 774 Evenings with Lindy Burns <3
I was a guest on my mum’s favourite radio station – ABC 774 with the gorg Lindy Burns. My did not reply to my text announcing the big news. I was on the comedy segment “Thank God its Monday” where i mostly explained internet dating to old people. Here we are being cute. Dropping some […]