I’m performing my first solo show in Perth in a couple of weeks and I’m very excited.

the show for the Melbourne International Comedy Festival is the same show because I got bored of it. Did i mention i have ADHD? in Melbourne it is called “Rose Before Hoes”, tickets here.

Dates: February 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th
Time: 7:20pm (matinee performance at 3:20pm on Saturday 13 February)
Venue: Ramen Room @ Noodle Palace
Facebook page

Rose Callaghan perth fringeworldRose Callaghan Perth fringeworld poster

Here is the blurb:

Rose Callaghan returns to Perth to debut her very first solo stand-up comedy show at FringeWorld, directed by Bart Freebairn (triple j, Comedy Channel)!! Attention Deficit… Ooh A Pony is a very poignant and deep comedy show that will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions and leave you with a deep heart-warming message.

That, or it’s a lot of sex stories, obscure hip-hop references and some insight into what it’s like to be diagnosed with ADHD as a 32 year old woman (bad). Does this explain many of her character flaws orimpulsive behaviours, exhibited via her harrowing online dating history, phobia of paperwork and party gal disposition? Or is she just a bit shit?

Callaghan is well known to the Melbourne comedy community, appearing in festivals for the last 3 years performing stand-up and improv, presenting for Poncho, writing (The Vine, triple j mag), appearing on triple j, 3RRR FM, ABC and co-hosting Nova FM. Last year she and comedian Kirsten Law launched the podcast Swipe Night, all about internet dating and sex. Media personality Dan Ilic described it as “my new favourite podcast”. She’s featured regularly as a “dating expert”, despite being single for 5 years. Seriously don’t listen to any of her advice.

Her witty and irreverent style of comedy has fast earned her a prominent place in the Australian comedy scene. In Attention Deficit… Ooh A Pony – her best (and worst) traits take centre stage. Perth won’t know what has hit them.

“Honest stand-up from a charming host. Funny and likeable, you’ll want to have a beer with her” – news.com.au

“Hilarious” – Pedestrian.TV

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