This post has been hacked several times by some dudes in Palestine but I have updated wordpress now so FINGERS CROSSED!!

My new solo show “Will You Accept This Rose?” is on sale and runs from the 30th of March to the 9th of April at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Yes it is Bachelor themed HAHA. There are some very fun surprises for Bachelor fans but also it’s still fun for people who have never watched it.

I just finished doing a run of the show in Perth to big crowds which was very fun, plus I got a nice 4 star review from The Australia Times – “An amazing sense of humour… well crafted gags.”

I’m doing 10 nights at The Forum. I sold out almost my whole run last year and I’m my venue is only 8 seats bigger so it would be good to book early to get the nights you want!

If you book 4 or more at once you get a group discount plus you only have to pay the insane ticketmaster fee once!

Tickets ON SALE here

flyer, poster, Will you accept this Rose?


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