Rose Callaghan Reviews 'Rose Before Hoes'

Had some very nice things said about my first solo show at Melbourne International Comedy Festival, Perth Fringe World and Sydney Fringe! Note: this show was called Attention Deficit…Ooh a Pony! at Perth Fringe World, then I changed the name to Rose Before Hoes in Melbourne then back to the first name in Sydney.

“Our Top Picks of the Sydney Fringe 2016… Rousing and bracingly honest” – The Guardian

“Even by the more relaxed and intimate standards of podcasting, Rose Callaghan’s Swipe Night (which she co-hosts with fellow Melbournian Kirsten Law) stands as an unusually candid look at sex and dating in the Tinder/Grindr age. She brings much of that autobiographical fearlessness and a rowdy, late-night-conversation-with-your-mates vibe to her stand-up.

A tough-minded comic but unafraid of turning her rifle sights on herself and her own grudging reluctance to join the adult world, she offers a rousing and bracingly honest brand of topical humour.

The Guardian

Callaghan is one of the best up-and-coming comics Melbourne has to offer.”


“Immensely likable and definitely laughable comedy”

As with Hannah Gadsby last year, it was fist-punching-the-air brilliant to hear a woman talking about disability and mental illness with a poignant sense of humour.

“The tide is turning towards real, honest female comedy that isn’t either aiming to please everyone or willing to be silent about issues that really affect women.”

Theatre Press

“Rose Callaghan’s debut solo show is a wild ride… Her stage presence is mesmerising and she yanks the crowd’s attention towards her punchlines,”

“Overall, Callaghan’s is one of the most bombastic, honest and funny debut solo shows you’ll come across.”


“Callaghan proves once again that she can instinctively hold a crowd, and has added polish to her definitively relatable material.”

“This is a performer to keep a watch on.”

“Rose Callaghan’s comedy journey is very much on the up and up.”

The Plus Ones

“Fearless, funny and brutally honest”

“No topic is off limits, and Rose delivers her observations with razor-sharp wit….

“Self-deprecating humour is far from new, but Rose delivers with the kind of confidence that makes you want to be her. Her free spirit and demeanour make you feel she could get away with anything, a fact even she acknowledges with her recount about airport security.”

Weekend Notes


I won the Best Comedy Award at Sydney Fringe!

Rose Callaghan Attention Deficit...Ooh a Pony! Best Comedy Award

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