Tonight we’ll be completing our final show of 3 Little Gigs at Melbourne Fringe – the split show I’ve been doing with Arielle Conversi and Cameron Tyeson.

The shows have been great – solid crowds, including one sell out and a shitload of randoms – including people who follow me on Twitter. We don’t know where you all came from but we love you!

But that’s not it for my Fringe journey – I’m lucky enough to be a part of a few other shows.


I’m doing the Mile High Club with a bunch of legends. I’ll possibly be wearing an air hostess outfit from a sex shop that is for strippers.


Fringe Festival | The Improv Conspiracy – A Night in Chicago

This is with my regular impro group The Improv Conspiracy. I’m not a regular performer over Fringe because I didn’t have the time to train for this new format, but I’m super stoked to be storytelling on this night. The new format for Fringe is called the Armando (google “ASSSSCAT Upright Citizen’s Brigade”), it goes for an hour and you’ll get to hear a bunch of stupid stories from my life, which people will act out.

Improv Conspiracy - A Night in Chicago


The Late Night Board Game Slumber Party

I will be wearing pyjamas.

The Late Night Board Game Slumber Party - Melbourne Fringe

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