Back on OKCupid
Yesterday I reactivated my OKCupid profile. It was fun and liberating for about three seconds until the weird messages started and I remembered what I found strange and soul crushingly depressing about it when I used it before. As any girl who has been on internet dating knows, many men don’t read your profile and […]
Being a Ryan Gosling Expert in Sunday Life

I have found myself in the position of “Ryan Gosling expert”, following the hysteria of #Goslingwatch. If you are unfamiliar, that was a successful hashtag that I created in regard to rumours that Ryan Gosling was in Australia that were never actually proven. Contrary to some extremely defamatory accusations – I didn’t make it up […]
Internships: I Went on Another Twitter Rant But This Time I Ended Up on TV
So last night I had my prime time TV debut – on Channel 10’s The Project. Well it was my debut if you don’t count being a quiz contestant on Recovery circa 1998, or an audience member on (the new, terrible) Hey Hey It’s Saturday, Live at the Chapel and supportive friend on Who Wants […]
How to Turn an Unsubstantiated Gossip Rumour Into a National News Story via The Social Mediaz
I saw Drive three times last year AT THE CINEMA. I effing love that movie. I effing love Ryan Gosling. The Notebook? GET OUT OF MY FACE OMG IT/HE IS SO BEAUTIFUL. So when I found out that he MIGHT BE IN MELBOURNE I felt the need to scream it from the digital rooftop. UPDATE: […]
The Power of Kimbra…and Monkeys
I caught up with my friend Stu for lunch yesterday. He is a musician. “Hey, so I just checked youtube yesterday and my video has had like 200,000 views,†he told me over a coffee. “Isn’t that weird? Last time I looked it was 4,000.” “Uh-huh,†I said, thinking he probably meant to say 20,000 views. […]
This is Why You Shouldn’t Be Mean to People on the Internet
…Even if it’s hilarious. Rose versus famous and highly respected writer and philosopher Alain de Botton. @operation_rosie I’m so sorry, that must be pretty bad. Apologies. — Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) May 4, 2012 He has 204,000 followers. Let this be a lesson children!!
Howl Change “Un-Googleable” Name, Remain “Un-Googleable”
Triple J Unearthed High winners (2009) Howl have decided to change their name, because no one can find them on the internetz. “Howl may well be the most unGoogle-able artist name since [inaugural triple j Unearthed High winners] Is,†said a press release from management. They are also frequently mistaken for a doom metal act […]
The Most Embarrassing Songs on the Internet
Last.FM’s Playground is a place where they test out fun new ideas and projects they are working on. My favourite one is the Most Unwanted Scrobbles section, which shows which songs were “unscrobbled” the most by Last.FM users. If you’re unfamiliar with the site, “scrobbling” is the function which uploads all the songs you’ve listened […]