So my “official” Melbourne Comedy Festival run finished and went very well, so I extended it until this Sunday and it’s now at the Imperial. The Imperial has become a hub for comedy every festival now. I did 3 Little Gigs there during Fringe and also gig there during the week at Puggs in Space and Imperial Open Mic. Impy is my comedy home! HERE IS THE NEW TICKETZZ BUYING LINK!!

I got a bunch of reviews in which said nice things – especially the Herald Sun, who gave me ★★★½ and said:

“Honest stand-up from a charming host.”

“Rose Callaghan and Mates has changing guests every night, but the best part, of course, is Callaghan. She’s funny and likable and you’ll want to have a beer with her afterwards to pontificate life’s problems.”

The original review yesterday gave away heaps of my jokes. Funnily enough they have edited the review, removing much of the revealing information – which is great. Although they removed my favourite quote – “Although mostly sex-based, it is easy to relate to.”

Some other nice things people said:

“Callaghan is a fantastic MC, driving home laugh after laugh” –

“This comic takes to the stage like a fish to water, confidence just pouring from her.”

“Her delivery style is punchier and more direct than many of her contemporaries which elicits hearty laughter from the audience rather than mildly amused chuckling and she has a great command of the stage.” – Melbourne Fun Times blog

“A great choice for anyone looking to see an hour of solid standup which offers something different each night. ★★★★” – Elise Faulkner, Funny Tonne

“Highly recommended” – Lip magazine

Tonight’s guests are!

the wonderful Joel Creasey (here he is on the motherfucking COMEDY FESTIVAL GALA)

and Girls Uninterrupted (featured here on their awesome xmas shorts for ABC!)

Thursday’s guests!

David Quirk

James McCann

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