3 Little Gigs Melbourne Fringe

Hey bros – exciting news! I will be doing a stand-up show at the 2013 Melbourne Fringe Festival!

Last year I did a show with my improv group The Improv Conspiracy – it was awesome. This is is a lot more pressure because like um you actually have to write material and the burden/pressure of trying to get bums on seats is carried by three people instead of, say 15. Family and friends can look forward to heaps awesome guilting status updates/texts/emails over the coming months.

3 Little Gigs is a great concept dreamed up by our excellent producer Ange Thompson. Basically the idea is 3 “up ‘n’ coming” comedians doing 13 minutes of stand-up each. At the Comedy Festival they launched the show with Sam Peterson, Natalie Harris and Nick Quon. I’m lucky enough to be doing it with two great dudes – Arielle Conversi and Cameron Tyeson. It’s going to be lots of fun.

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