When I moved to London from Melbourne, I wanted to see celebs – lots of them. It took me a while but eventually we were at a pub is Islington for our work Christmas dinner and who walks in but Jude Law (!!!). Sadie Frost was also there, as well as what I could gather were a collection of the infamous wife-swapping “Primrose Hill set”, including Sean Pertwee (I don’t actually know who that is but my English friend assures me he’s a big deal in the UK.

When you come from a Melbourne in the backwater we call Australia, you don’t see many A-list celebrities walking down the street, or drinking in your pub. Unless you count “Australian celebrities” who are generally irritating media personalities, soap stars, embarrassing sports players making a mess of their personal lives, models, pop stars (who have sold under 20,000 copies of their biggest single) and reality stars. That said, I did see Geoffrey Rush outside the 7-11 near my old work – and he’s won an Oscar!

Ever since I moved to London I have been particularly obsessed with bumping into Amy Winehouse. It’s common knowledge that Amy likes to knock about Camden Town where she lives and is a regular at pubs The Hawley Arms and The Good Mixer.

Amy leaving The Hawley Arms a bit worse for wear

I have frequented these pubs on several occasions but alas, no Amy.

There is a point to all this and I am getting to it, never fear!! So my Australian friend Tim lives in a leafy street in Camden and here I present to you is his Facebook update about what happened to him the other day.

so I’m just walking home in a random side street when a crazy lady starts yelling out ‘charlie! charlie!’ behind me. She grabs me on the shoulder turns me around and its AMY WINEHOUSE! Drunk/ drug fucked. Amazing! highlight of my London adventure!!!


If you don’t believe that I love Amy Winehouse, here is a photo of me dressed up as her at my leaving party in Melbourne in August last year (and that’s my friend Shane).

I will find Amy one day I am sure of it!

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