The Most Embarrassing Songs on the Internet
Last.FM’s Playground is a place where they test out fun new ideas and projects they are working on. My favourite one is the Most Unwanted Scrobbles section, which shows which songs were “unscrobbled” the most by Last.FM users. If you’re unfamiliar with the site, “scrobbling” is the function which uploads all the songs you’ve listened […]
Children: Making Me Feel Old and Untalented Since Forever
You’ve probably heard by now that the hottest thing in 2K11 will be Willow Smith (daughter of Will Smith) a sassy 9 year old mini-Rihanna whose first single ‘Whip My Hair’ is going gangbusters the world over. Like that didn’t make us all feel decrepit enough, here’s another 9 year old, Starr Andrews, doing an […]